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NICA – Circus Showcase 2010 Branding Branding & MarksPackaging, Print & Editorial

NICA offers a Bachelor of Circus Arts that prepares local and international students for careers in all facets of the circus industry – it is the only training academy of its kind in Australia.

Each year, graduating NICA students showcase their mastery of the circus art form with a spectacular production of solo and duo performances. Tasked with developing collateral for the 2010 event, our typography and art directed photography captured the inherent energy and movement of their crafts, creating a visual language that transcended scale and application.

“The Principle Design team has been a joy to work with. The design work for our marketing collateral and our annual report have been of such a high quality that I receive compliments from staff who normally don’t comment on our performance posters and publications. The ideas in response to creative briefs have been original and fresh and the resulting artwork has been in line with the strategic direction of the NICA brand. By choosing Principle Design we ensured a consistent brand message and by reducing the need for lengthy creative design briefs we achieved greater efficiency and cost effectiveness.” — Maria

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