
Brand Creation

Brands don’t simply sell products or services; they sell a feeling, an experience, a lifestyle. While product features, technology, and value for money play a part in purchasing behaviour, the conscious buyer expects more from premium brands. By taking a customer-centric approach, we can bring clarity to consumer trends, behaviours and motivations to understand what they want, how they want to feel and what will convert them from a bystander to a loyal customer.

Our strategy-first approach to branding provides clarity and insight into the design process to deliver purposeful, unique and enduring brands. Whether you’re a small business venturing on a new journey, or a bigger organisation wanting a refresh, we assist with strategic conversations at any stage, offering a unique approach tailored to your business needs.

Prior to commencing a branding project, we conduct workshops with our clients. Whilst some organisations require an in-depth workshop to discover their brand personality, others have a clear understanding of what their brand needs to communicate.

We start every project by establishing a brand strategy that informs the design process. As a specialised brand agency, for businesses to successfully enter or reposition themselves within a market, we take the time to understand the context of the brand and where we can define a unique point of difference that will set you apart.

Our brand strategy process extracts information from your business strategy and vision, competitive environment and customer target markets in order to provide a strategic framework that informs both the visual brand identity design.

Understanding your service or product offering, as well as your operational structure, is key to being able to communicate to your intended audience clearly. Brand architecture brings clarity to complex information systems and allows us to identify key communications and messaging to emphasise through the brand identity design.

For new ventures, we’re here to help support your brand launch and create a visual identity that is unique, representative of your business values and memorable. We work with you to define your brand personality and create a visual identity that defines your place in the market.

For existing brands, a brand analysis helps us ascertain what may or may not be working with your current brand when it comes to the rebranding process. We can determine any fundamental issues that require redevelopment and any successful aspects that can be extended upon to achieve the goals outlined in our design strategy.

info graphic
MalaBang Branding
Brand guidelines of Kidney Health Australia
Brand guidelines of Kidney Health Australia

Brand Creation
Brand Naming
Logomark Design
Logo Animation
Secondary Brand Elements
Brand Style Guide
Infographic Design

Check out our folio to see our brand strategies in action or get in touch to learn more.

The Mark Glen Huntley signage
Brand Design
Brand Design
Brand Design
Brand Design
Brand Design
Business Card Design - Ecosa Eco Sleep Australia - Logo and brand identity by Principle Design